OHEAP Fire and Security Awarded National NHS Framework

by | Company Announcement

OHEAP Fire and Security have been awarded a place on the Building Safety and Fire Compliance Framework Agreement by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) to provide any NHS or Public Sector organisation with fire compliance or building safety services and products.

NHS Framework agreement logoAs a response to The Building Safety Act (BSA), which overhauls the building safety system by focussing on building structural safety and fire safety throughout the lifecycle of a building, the NHS has awarded a select number of trusted, and approved companies to provide these critical services and products.

The framework agreement provides an PCR15 compliant route to market for any NHS or public sector organisation seeking fire or building safety work or products. The Building Safety and Fire Compliance Framework Agreement offers the flexibility to directly award to a single supplier or run a further competition saving valuable time and resources.

The framework agreement provides NHS or Public Sector organisations with compliant and regulated services for building safety and fire compliance for both planned and reactive works, removing the stress and risk from this process.


OHEAP Fire and Security

As a fire safety and security company for more than 60 years, OHEAP offer passive and active fire safety including, fire risk assessments, fire alarm servicing, evacuation services, fire safety training and consultancy. This makes them the ideal company to support the NHS and wider public sector on their journey to safety excellence.

Managing Director of OHEAP Fire and Security, Nicholas Heap explains


“It is both our privilege and duty to support in the protection of organisations as they serve others in our community.


This NHS SBS framework award means we can do what we do best for those who need it the most. Our experienced consultants work with our accredited engineers to provide a consistent service that provides protection that can be relied upon, first time, every time.


This framework is ideal for the public sector as it allows them to award safety-critical work to pre-approved suppliers without needing to write long tender documents and spending lots of time and money reviewing applications and so on. It means safety can be a priority without costing the Earth and wasting large amounts of time.”


Benefits of using this framework agreement

Being awarded a place on this NHS Framework means you can trust the quality of the work of any company who is on it. The framework assures you that OHEAP Fire and Security meet all the required British standards, Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) and other relevant industry accreditations.

This Framework has been tailored to ensure it meets all the key health and safety compliance requirements alongside the building safety and fire compliance needs. This is another worry you don’t have to think about when choosing a supplier.

This is a comprehensive Framework that covers all the routine fire safety elements. These include; the implementation of fire-resistant materials and structures, such as fire doors, fire-resistant walls, and compartmentation to prevent the spread of fire.

In addition to the more common fire prevention services and products you may require, the Framework also covers the provision of less routine safety items such as the installation and maintenance of fire detection and suppression systems, including smoke alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers.


About OHEAP Fire and Security

Fire Extinguisher servicing engineerOHEAP Fire & Security has been fire protection and safety company since 1958. We are trusted to protect the environments of more than 12,500 customers across 40,000 sites, nationwide.

Services we offer include; Fire Risk Assessments, Extinguishers, Fire Doors, Fire Alarms, Emergency Lighting, Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Safety Training, Dry Risers, Hydrants, CCTV, Access Control, Intruder Alarms, Embroidery, Specialist workwear and PPE.

OHEAP Fire and Security work to the highest industry standards including BAFE, British Standards, NSI and ISO, in additional to sector specific industry standards – see all of accreditations here.

If you would like to commission OHEAP Fire and Security as part of the Building Safety and Fire Compliance Framework Agreement, contact Lisa Hartley on 07585 936 905 or at lisah@oheap.co.uk

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