Fire Protection

Water ECO Fire Extinguishers

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The Hydrex ECO is a water-based fire extinguisher which contains a PFAS-free wetting agent. This delivers an impressive 13A fire rating in a lightweight and compact 3ltr unit. It’s important that this eco-friendly fire extinguisher is ready when you need, so ensure it is checked regularly. 


Fire Class

A water extinguisher is suitable for class A fires.


This Water ECO fire extinguishers contains no PFAS forever chemicals. this means it is  environmentally friendly. It is ideal for use alongside a CO2 extinguisher in offices, warehouses, storage units and factories. We would always urge you to consult your Fire Risk Assessment to see what fire risk you need to protect against in your premises.


Water extinguishers need to be serviced annually by a qualified engineer and visually inspected regularly insitu to ensure their is nothing worng between annual services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Water Fire Extinguisher?

A water fire extinguisher is a type of fire extinguisher that is filled with water and is used to extinguish Class A fires, which are fires that involve ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and many plastics. Water fire extinguishers are not suitable for Class B or Class C fires, as they could potentially make the fire worse.

Water fire extinguishers work by cooling the burning material, which reduces its temperature below the ignition point, causing the fire to go out. They should only be used on small fires that have not spread to electrical equipment or other flammable materials, as the water can conduct electricity and cause a shock hazard.

In summary, water fire extinguishers are effective on Class A fires, but it is important to choose the appropriate type of fire extinguisher for each type of fire to ensure the safety of those fighting the fire.

What Is A Water Fire Extinguisher Used For?

A water fire extinguisher is specifically designed to extinguish Class A fires, which are fires that involve ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and many plastics. The water extinguisher works by removing heat from the fire and reducing the temperature to a point where combustion is no longer possible. The water extinguisher should not be used on Class B fires (flammable liquids and gases) or Class C fires (electrical fires), as water conducts electricity and could result in electrocution. For these types of fires, other types of fire extinguishers such as foam, CO2, or dry powder are more appropriate.

How Does A Water Fire Extinguisher Work?

A water fire extinguisher works by using water to cool down the fire and to displace the oxygen, which is needed for the fire to continue burning. When water is sprayed on a fire, it quickly evaporates, taking heat away from the fire and cooling down the surrounding area. The steam produced by the evaporation also helps to reduce the amount of oxygen available, which further reduces the fire’s ability to continue burning.

How Do You Use A Water Fire Extinguisher?

Using a water fire extinguisher is a simple process, but it’s important to be familiar with the steps before an emergency situation arises. Here’s how to use a water fire extinguisher:

Call the fire brigade: In any case of fire, it’s always a good idea to call the fire department, even if you think you’ve put the fire out.

Pull the pin: To release the locking mechanism and activate the fire extinguisher, pull the pin at the top of the unit.

Aim the nozzle: Point the nozzle of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire, not at the flames.

Squeeze the handle: Firmly squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher to release the foam.

Sweep the nozzle: Sweep the foam over the surface of the fire in a sweeping motion, starting at the base of the fire and working your way up.

Keep a safe distance: Stand a safe distance away from the fire and make sure to keep the fire extinguisher aimed at the fire.

Monitor the fire: After using the fire extinguisher, monitor the fire to make sure it’s completely extinguished and does not re-ignite.

It’s important to remember that foam fire extinguishers should only be used on Class A and never on electrical fires. Before using a fire extinguisher, it’s also a good idea to assess the situation and make sure that it’s safe to do so. If the fire is too large or spreading too quickly, it’s best to evacuate the building and call the fire brigade.

Types of Extinguisher

Each Fire Extinguisher type has a unique agent inside which is specifically designed to combat a different type of fire risk. Click on each extinguisher image below and discover how each type should be used.


Hydrex Water ECO Fore Extinguisher

Water ECO

Hydrex Plus Multi-Foam


Dry Powder

Wet Chemical

lithium battery fire extinguisher




We work with several third-party bodies to ensure we work to the highest industry standards.

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bsi certified logo
BAFE Fire Safety Register
Alcumus safecontractor

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